Wednesday, 19 June 2013


I've finally decided to
a) properly investigate the opportunities Blogger gives me with text and images..... very exciting!!! Do you like the changes??? If not please comment below, need some friendly blogger advice!
b) put my blog on bloglovin 'specially since Google Reader is going so hopefully it'll attract some more lovely followers :)
c) decided to share a late, hopefully much awaited, photo of one of my dog's 11 puppies.

Meet Snoopy. Can you resist him???
I certainly can't!

Hopefully a review's coming on in a minute. Brilliant book by an amazing author.


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Well if you're looking here, than you're thinking about leaving a message! Go on I'd like to hear from you...... well unless you're going to be nasty, hurtful, creepy (yes you bald old man), etc..... Look forward to hearing from you... Adios X