Thursday, 6 December 2012

Eve And Adam

Eve and Adam is a mystery (with a little science) romantic thriller written by Michael Grant and Katherine Appleton. The book follows Evening Spiker, daughter of the multi-billionaire Terra Spiker owner of Spiker Bio-tech (basically a scientific institution), after she is hit in a car and brought to her mother’s workplace to recover. Eve recovers way faster than humanly possible and this forms a basis for the scary evolving plot that chops and changes meaning the reader can’t guess what’s going to happen. I really enjoyed this as so many of these YA books are generic and you can guess what’s going to happen by page 54! Eve is coaxed by her mum to occupy her time by creating her ‘perfect boy’ on a software program……. of course this is completely stimulated……right??

Another major character is Solo who has been looked after by Terra after his parent’s died (Solo’s parents were part-owners of Spiker Bio-tech…. hmmm suspicious huh?!). Solo and Eve are both lacking in the romantic department and the chances for them getting together, which the reader is obviously convinced they will (you know, us readers thinking we have the whole novel sussed out), becomes slimmer and slimmer as the book goes on….. much to my disappointment I must say! My other two characters that I loved was the delightful Aislin, (the slut as Terra calls her) Eve’s friend who is just so down to earth, she might be unable to make good decisions all the time but she is there for Eve no matter what,  and the beautiful Adam…. Eve’s perfect man.
With the usual delectable supply of foul baddies, that as much as the plot this book really keeps you on your toes and interested. I finished the book in a day for fudge’s sake! It was just so good - it’s the sort of novel you can read again and pick up bits that you missed as well as getting to drink in the whole story again. The book incorporated biology and romance and thrills something I wouldn’t have thought humanly possible… mind you this book does stretch the boundaries on what you did think was possible…. it makes you wonder what’s going on behind closed doors.
Because this book got me interested in things I hadn’t been before, a little bit of genetics, a bit of scientific thriller, as well as a huge dollop of Romance….. Ice-cream sundae with banana chunks and chocolate shavings…. yum yum!
I would give this book a 5 out of 5, congratulations to the authors and Electric Monkey for getting this book out there! I love it and can’t wait to get it back off my friend!

X sells this brilliant book for £4.54, another one for your Christmas list!

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